BASE Performance Tri Team
FLO Factory Team
Hutch’s Bicycle Garage
Honey Stinger Hive
Countdown to Ironman California
weeks-12-1days0-2hours-1-6minutes-4-8seconds-4-7Upcoming Races
LA Marathon – 26.2 Road – Los Angeles
20 March 2022
RAGE Triathlon – Olympic Distance – Lake Mead
30 April 2022
Las Vegas Triathlon – Olympic Distance – Lake Mead
1 October 2022
Ironman California – Triathlon – Sacramento
23 October 2022Sign of the Times
5km: 0:25:20 Road (2013)
10km: 0:54:11 Road (2013)
13.1mi: 2:09:47 Road (2016)
26.2mi: 5:16:54 Road (2012)
50km: 7:11:24 Trail (2015)
50mi: 12:56:58 Trail (2017)
24hrs: 38.5mi (2020)
48hrs: 103.5 miles (2019)TRIATHLON
Olympic: 3:09:20 (2016)
70.3 (Half-Ironman): 7:19:26 (2016)OPEN WATER SWIM
1.2mi: 0:43:21 (2016)
2.4mi: 1:33:00 (2014)Twitter
- Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary 13:34 PST 08 March 2023
Tag Archives: Running in Pigtails
Barefoot Training: 4 miles
What a (negative) difference no running during the weekend makes. 🙁
I didn’t do my 18-mile run on Saturday because of the self-defe [...]
Workout Records ...
Carbo-load!Hash tag! One Good Earbud!
I made some pasta tonight (instead of ordering from Macaroni Grill and picking it up!) and came up with something rather delicious. Fusilli [...]
Sustenance ...
Swim Training (1000m Wed; 450m Fri)
I went to do my lunchtime workout on Wednesday — 1000m swim! I was particularly encouraged to workout by my “new” virtual [...]
42km ...
Race Report: Los Angeles Marathon
Where do I begin?! My thoughts are all jumbled up and although I suggested to my sisters (and friends) to make notes throughout the next day [...]
Thank you, Sharoooooooooooooool!
I’ll be typing up my LA Marathon Race Report soon but before all that jazz, I’d like to thank my (padawan) Sheryl for running/wa [...]
LA Marathon Madness!
The weekend of the LA Marathon is here and boy, is it a maddening one! I’m still in the process of packing and putting my playlist tog [...]
My iPod is still missing.
Technically, it’s misplaced. I brought it up to my room and set it down… somewhere. LOL. That was 2 months ago.
A few days ago, [...]
In the meantime…
Sorry for the lack of updates for the past… 2 months! ACK! I kinda got tired of my previous journal theme, too, so I had to post this [...]