Tag Archives: Runner’s World

RW’s Daily Kick in the Bum

I don’t train to beat another runner. We are out there together, competing with the marathon, and I train to run the marathon as fast [...]

How to tie your shoelace

LOL I thought I was imagining what I was reading when I opened the latest email from Runner’s World, but nope. The link was about how [...]


I did about 10 minutes of core workout last night — 10 out of 17 minutes! LOL. I couldn’t hang on and finish the entire workout! [...]

Sarah Palin the Runner

Sheryl sent me this really neat article on Sarah Palin. Now, before you go — “ZOMG! I thought Sharool hated that woman, why is s [...]

I want… Silverrrrrrr!

I was reading the newest email newsletter Runner’s World sent and followed a link for one of their featured articles “Gear: Cool [...]

Energy Boosting Foods!

Another great article from Runner’s World. Curiously, it was written in 2007 but linked in a 2009 email (I subscribe to their newslett [...]

Midweek Food-for-Thought

Got this off of those Runner’s World Quote of the Day email: “Running gives me a sense of controlling my life. I like the finite [...]


I could’ve used this Runner’s World article yesterday when I had a massive snack attack! I ended up having those single-serve co [...]
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