Tag Archives: grateful everyday

Just C8H10N4O2

Today I am grateful for this wonderful chemical C8H10N4O2 also known as caffeine. Specifically, coffee. Now, I didn’t include coffee [...]


So much for posting something everyday! At least, I failed to post what I was grateful for yesterday… Just so we don’t break the [...]

Saturday at L-A

Today (and everyday), I am grateful for having such a fun, understanding and patient little brother. He’s but 12 years my junior but i [...]

Friday the 13th

Deciding on what I’m grateful for today wasn’t very difficult! It started as a pitter-patter on my window and eventually got mor [...]

Happy Easter (Thursday)!

Happy Easter Thursday (it’s still Easter after all– octave of Easter, anyway). It’s been a heck of a Holy Week and Triduum [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D.

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