Sustenance Workout Records[Posted on ]

Swim Training (1000m Wed; 450m Fri)

I went to do my lunchtime workout on Wednesday — 1000m swim! I was particularly encouraged to workout by my “new” virtual training buddy Sheryl! Yesh, we have a shareable Google calendar and each entered our training timetables into it. It’s one of the better ideas that either of us had had (yet)! LOL. Anyway we’re hoping that this will help us get back to fitness and obtain the “personal records” we crave for this year: me for the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon and Sheryl for the California Int’l Marathon. I think that by being accountable to someone else’s training, you’ll find renewed vigour to your own daily schedule and you definitely won’t feel so alone when doing it! Plus, if either of you skip a workout, it’s METAL SPATULA (1:09) time! 😉

Unfortunately, that being said, I skipped my scheduled “Strength and Stretch: P90X” workout last night. Eek. But I have two good excuses:

  1. Sisy was hungry and I had to make her and my little bro supper
  2. Sisy wanted to go swim at 6:30AM on Friday (today)

So what does a good li’l sis do? Comply. Resistance was futile. 😉 Checkout the delicious (yet easy) meal I made for them last night:

Marinated chicken over tortilla strips

Marinated chicken over tortilla strips

I was literally about to begin the P90X workout when my sis came home and forget to grab some take out. >_< Thank goodness that I had just gone to the market to buy food; otherwise, we would’ve been eating my “nuked salmon” dish.

In any case, since I was able to go swim with her at six-friggin-thirty this morning, I guess missing my workout last night wasn’t so bad. It turned out great that we were there when the pool just opened as there were only a handful of (senior citizen) swimmers and I got my *own* lane! At the same time, I hadn’t swam that early in the morning (and was still too sleepy!) and the fact that I have my long run training tomorroz (17 miles!), I ended up doing some sort of mini-workout with 100m drill and some paddle-board exercises (450m total for nearly 25 minutes).

Overall, a great workout week. Two and a half stars on my calendar and one big star will be slapped (for sure) after my long run tomorrow.



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