ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Diligent + Vigilance = Digilant!

Pardon the new word — it might be due to lack of sleep or I’m getting used to the terseness that is Twitter (and texting) that I seem to mangle my words.

Anyway, I just realised that I’ve slacked so much on posting anything but more importantly, my training records! Ahhh. So my new word, digilant means that I need to maintain my diligence with updating my journal at the same time remaining vigilant over what happens in my training runs. LOL

It mightn’t make sense but since I use this journal as my own “history” — where I search past posts to see how I fared, where I went right/wrong with running, any knocks/injuries that I felt/acquired, etc. — remaining digilant will help me achieve my future goals…

Man, I really am NOT making any sense! Hahaha. Typical brain fart from me.

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