Monthly Archives: June 2005


Today was quite a philanthropic day for me: I donated some shoes and bags of clothes to the Salvation Army, then donated my hair to Locks of [...]

Training: 5 miles

Distance: 5.60 miles (9.01 Kilometres) Time: 1:10:00 Date: June 28th, 2005 Notes: I felt like I haven't run in a week; I could barely [...]

Holy crap I'm going to faint.

I haven't ran in a week (zero, zilch, nada miles); I've pretty much took a 1 week holiday from running. So, what do I plan to do t [...]

New photos added.

Go to the Gallery here for more images. They'll be under Miscellaneous > Apr [...]

2005/2006 Premiership Fixtures!

20 August 2005: Chelsea versus Arsenal. See the rest of the CFC fixtures here. (For the entire Prem. fixture.) Dilemma: That's the da [...]

Notice anything?

If you haven't seen any running logs entries lately, it's not because I haven't posted them; well, let me clarify: I haven� [...]

HP: GOF Trailer!

Click here. I'm going to figure out a way to save the QT trailer… for posterity! But go see it right now! The trailer gave me go [...]

Makes more (ad) sense.

Ok, I added Google's Ad Sense to the rest of my sections. Of course, you won't see it on this page, unless you give me stars, or y [...]

New Mod: Project PT

After a hiatus from Computer Modification, I'll be creating another 'masterpiece' or if it turns out bad, 'piece of shyt [...]


I woke up around 2:45AM this morning because it was soooo darn hot! There was no circulation in my room (despite having two open windows) so [...]

Long Run Training: 5 miles

Distance: 5.00 miles (8.04 Kilometres) Time: 0:58:43 Date: June 19th, 2005 Notes: I didn't feel like running this morning, but I had t [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 21 years, 10 months, and 6 days since first blog post.