Sustenance ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

So far so good.

(What is Bryan Adams’ album title from 1993) 😉

Since the New Year (minus a few days of indulging in some junk food), I’ve been keeping up with incorporating at least two servings of veggies in my meals (in some cases, four). I know the prescribed is actually nine servings, but with almost everything I tackle, I do it in baby steps. At the same time, I haven’t really noticed the difference (when I incorporated the vegetables). I mean, I’m not expecting instant superhuman strength to begin with (in fact, I got a cold last Wednesday and finally was able to fully shed off the congestion by Sunday*), but I was half-expecting some sort of revelation or even a bit of a boost  🙂 Then again — and in the words of Mrs. Potts — these things take time, and I may be blogging a different tune in a fortnight. I’m guessing my body has to make sense of what it’s being fed and at times, I know it’s yelling, asking me, “what are these fiber-y green things you are feeding me?!” Ultimately this is a total lifestyle change (and not necessarily diet), so I’m hoping this investment now will help offset the years of poor nutrition (wishful thinking). I can just picture my maternal grandma and great aunt looking down from above and just having big grins on their faces (they’d be too nice to say “I told you so”).

In other news, I’ve been incorporating these NikeFuel “missions” in my training runs. As if running isn’t fun enough ;), I decided to add playing a game to, um, change the game. All you need is a free Nike+ account, a device that will earn NikeFuel (I use the free Nike+ Running GPS app for my mobile) and then log into the NikeFuel Missions website. I was supposed to start these missions last year, but I never could get it to work correctly! First bug I encountered was it wouldn’t recognise my Nike+ login. Second bug — though, technically it wasn’t a bug, it was more of stupidity on my part xD — was it didn’t count the mileage I did for that particular mission. Now that I know you have to *wait* for the countdown to finish and then run the Nike+ Running app, it’s all smooth sailing… Until I get over-confident on how much fuel I can earn and miss the mark! >_< Anyway, if this at all intrigued you, check it out and add me as a friend (i.e., challenger) — my S/N is RaDragon888. Disclaimer: though I have done contract work for Nike Running in the past, I’m not currently receiving any compensation by mentioning this. I guess I just want someone to play with? xD

Anyway, here’s to more running and fuelling with delicious (;)) veggies! Hahaha. I leave you now with my new favourite hat, which sadly I’ve been shy to wear outdoors except-that-one-time-in-Vegas-but-I-can’t-divulge-cos-what-happens-there…

Ewoks spotted!

Ewoks spotted!


*At press time, Hal Higdon tweeted this article about nutrition on Injury Recovery from a Board Certified Sports Dietitian. Makes sense how my normally 48-hour cold turned into five days of congestion: I didn’t have enough carbs (complex or otherwise) in my meals to help my body heal. >_<

Please visit my sis’ blog, She’s currently training for the American River Endurance Run (50-mile Ultramarathon). She’s the reason why I got into running! Also, she’s gonna keep bugging me if I didn’t post that on here. j/k Luv u sisypoo! (Actually, she’s just bugging me to redesign her blog since she’s out-grown the bubblegum theme xD)

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