Monthly Archives: April 2009

Nineteen days and counting down…

…until the Inaugural Camp Pendleton Hard Corps Marathon and I think I’m freaking out. My right calf feels fine now but the trou [...]

Lion scarf FTW.

This site has the best stuff. Okie, not the ultimate bestest stuff on the interweb but they come pretty close. Especially this one: ze Lion [...]

Cross-Train (45 minutes)

Notes: My sis (the crazy runner) lent me her ZXU compression socks to take it out on a run but I ended up walking about 3 miles. My right ca [...]

Pantry Raid!

Finding food in our pantry was quite the challenge. Essentially, you would need a compass, or rope, or breadcrumbs just to make sure that yo [...]

Recovery Run (1.5 miles)

Notes: This was supposed to be a 5-mile run at pace but I had to stop walking/running at around 1.7 miles. Crazy thing happened — both [...]

April Fools.

I officially “know” someone who was born on the 1st of April. Poor guy probably went through the whole “I got you a Ferarr [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 21 years, 7 months, and 13 days since first blog post.