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Happy Easter!

What an Easter Sunday!

I woke up at 5:15AM, and got ready for mass. Our friend Mike picked me and sis up around 6:10am and off we were towards Hermosa Beach.

When I got there, I wasn’t really expecting much — maybe a handful of people plus the Parish priest and the Deacon — but what I saw was a (pleasant) surprise; at least 100 people and counting were already waiting by the Hermosa Beach shores, on their beach chairs and waiting for mass to begin! I guess I wasn’t the only one excited to attend my (and the church’s) first “beach” mass!

Of course, the mass itself was lovely and I wish I can go to all Sunday masses that way — sand between your toes, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, and despite the cold, the morning sun saying “hallo! and good morning!” 🙂

Post-mass, my sis and I invited our friends to our fav brekkers restaurant on the strand, aptly named, Scotty’s on The Strand. We also invited our parish priest, Fr. Ray and the newly ordained Deacon Joe.

This wouldn’t be a complete post without food! So here’s what I had for brekkers: “The Wave (BLT on wheat) with fries”

The Wave (BLT on wheat bread)

The Wave (BLT on wheat bread)

I’m really glad I just had half of my BLT and some fries because for our Easter Lunch, well, let’s just say I have to work out the rest of the week just to burn a small portion of the fat I ate! ACK!

Anyway, after brekkers, I began cleaning the house cos Irene (who cancelled later), Amanda and my brothers were going to come over for Easter lunch. After picking up the food @ the stores where sisy ordered them and then after arranging them neatly on the dining table, my bro Ray and Amanda (finally) arrived and we began the feast! Oh, I found it odd that my other bro, Jeri, never showed up.  It got me worried cos he never misses food (update: he slept through the day!?!) but we enjoyed our meals anyway.

Photos to come shortly. Mooooar FOOD!

Chicharon Bulaklak

Chicharon Bulaklak

Pork BBQ

Pork BBQ



Pancit Malabon

Pancit Malabon

The menu! LOL as you can see from the pics, we had no veggies! Eeek! We also had (steamed) white rice, a staple when having Filipino dishes:

  • Chicharon Bulaklak – deep-fried pork entrails sprinkles with salt and MSG
  • Pork BBQ – skewered pork. Grilled. LOL. I don’t know how else to explain it. Oh, it’s semi-sweet/salty and somewhat soy-saucyish
  • Liempo – again, grilled pork, but marinated with vinegar and salt. I think this is pork leg, or maybe shoulder? LOL I really gotta get my dishes in order. I’ll Google their actual descriptions later.
  • Pancit Malabon – We call this Palabok since it has the same flavour, albeit fatter glass noodles. Again, I know there’s shrimp, pork bits, hard-boiled egg… ?

So yeah, talk about “Heart Attack” luncheon! Ahhh… I still feel my arteries seizing up. >_<

Oh and a Happy Easter, once again! 🙂

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