ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


So the weekend's supposed to be a time for recharging and recreation — I think I sort of got both but didn't really feel relaxed at all. For one thing, starting off your day with a run is always nice; however, running your training run after being inactive from running for about 2 weeks is not a good idea. Watching live football (soccer) during the day and not during the odd hours of the morning is nice, as well; however, watching your team lose in the semi-final match is not fun and it screws up your entire day. That being said, I wasn't much of a happy camper when I had to go drive to work that Saturday afternoon and the drive back certainly was not peachy either.

I think I calmed down a bit on Sunday, but still smarting from my team losing and managed to get my 12 mile long run training in. As if the Earth knew that I was feeling down, the Lord decided to let a bit of sun shine while I ran — the sun did stay out for the remainder of the day. A hearty brunch later (about an hour after running) and I was a semi-happy camper. Mass went well, albeit we hit a few snags with the choir cos we didn't have a coordinator/director present, but we managed, IMHO. I ended the day with a semi-dry roast beef sandwich for supper and then 'rewarded' myself with a slice of Dobash (Hawaiian Chocolate cake). I guess my weekend wasn't all that bad…

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