Monthly Archives: June 2005

The Jackal.

Go watch it! It's a relatively old flick and there're some funny scenes (although, it's supposed to be dramatic, but I found [...]

Training: 3 miles

Distance: 3.32 miles (5.34 Kilometres) Time: 0:33:49 Date: June 8th, 2005 Notes: Surprised with 10:11 my pace? So am I. Seems like I'm [...]

Patience is a virtue.

I really need to remember that quote when driving in traffic. I really don't understand it. If people are driving a constant speed, and [...]

Training: 3 miles

Distance: 3.00 miles (4.82 Kilometres) Time: 0:30:54 Date: June 7th, 2005 Notes: My overall feeling after this run was fine. During the run [...]


While searching for GPS coordinates during my downtime at work today, I came across this website, and, uh, had a bit of fun with it: Find A [...]

It's official.

My sis is a horrible driver. She even admitted it to us yesterday*. A year or two back, my other sis got car sick due to my sis' driv [...]

Long Run Training: 6 miles

Distance: 6.00 miles (9.65 Kilometres) Time: 1:11:14 Date: June 5th, 2005 Notes: My first 'long run' and I almost quit 3.11 miles [...]


I am addicted to action films. Ok, maybe the word 'addicted' is too much. Let's just say I have a strong liking for that ge [...]

Training: 1.93 miles

Distance: 1.93 miles (3.08 Kilometres) Time: 0:21:21 Date: June 2nd, 2005 Notes: I was unable to complete the run because I started it late [...]

New photos added….

…in my gallery. Check them out. My top speed on the 405 freeway during my morning commute. >.< (Check out my high-mileage) 😛 [...]

Training: 3 miles

Distance: 3.00 miles (4.82 Kilometres) Time: 0:32:37 Date: June 1st, 2005 Notes: This is my first official training run and it wasn't [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 21 years, 7 months, and 10 days since first blog post.