Monthly Archives: November 2004

Harmonica, et al.

Hear me play here. (Windows Media Player required) — if you didn't notice, I'm attempting to play, “Oh, When The Saint [...]

Snow and rain.

My friends and I went to Big Bear Mountain for a day trip of Snowboarding yesterday and it was awesome! …until it started raining. It [...]

10 miles.

I ran 10 miles today. It's not my best run — my pace was inconsistent and generally horrible. I think I'm getting sick, thou [...]

Post-run (mini) scare. DVD additions.

I ran 5 miles today. It's actually the first training run over 3 miles that I've done in a while and I did not take a walk break! [...]

Tae Bo + Eye Groove

Ok, I didn't exactly complete my Tae Bo exercise this evening (I did about 30 minutes out of a 48 minute exercise) because I caught sig [...]

Ewww, body fat!

First of, I need to lose 11.6 pounds. I'm not losing it for vanity or anything California-ish like that — I'm losing it to b [...]


I ran this morning in the rain! That was fun. Then I went to see Polar Express. T'was ok. [...]

NYC Photos!

I finally uploaded the photos I took, documenting my NYC trip. I didn't bring a tripod, so please forgive the blurriness of some shots. [...]

I'm back.

Got home last night. Dead tired. Got up this morning. Dead tired. NYC was loads of fun! Cheers to Barry, Josh, Tim and Kenny for taking ridi [...]

Quotable quote.

Well, I've finished packing for NYC (sort of). I actually have to unpack some stuff now. I put way too much clothes — I thought m [...]

W wins!

In other news, I'm packing for NYC! It should be a fun trip. I'll definitely post photos from my snazzy digital camera. Of cours [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 21 years, 10 months, and 6 days since first blog post.