05km The Recaps[Posted on ]

Recap: Knott’s Coaster Run 5k

Race: 6th Annual Coaster Run 5k at Knott’s Berry Farm
Date: March 27th, 2011
Start Time: 7:30AM
Location: Buena Park, CA

OK, I was going to take this race easy — I just wanted to do it as a recovery run/ excuse to eat some pie and get a cool medal (Snoopy!) in the process. What I didn’t expect was to PR! LOL I have back-to-back Marathon-5K PR’s now. Chip time: 00:27:33.2 (placed 7th in my Age Group! Out of 85! wOOt!)

Part of the reason why I went fast was:

  • I didn’t want to get too wet! It began to drizzle again! AHHHH… Second consecutive race to get soaked?! Finishing sooner meant getting out the wetness quicker!
  • I wanted to break free from the crowd. The course was PACKED all the way but for a short portion after the second mile and partly onto the finish. You literally had to weave your way through the crowd!
  • I felt good! Well, running at a faster pace really felt effortless until around mile 2.5 when I was really feeling the burn! LOL At that point, I was either going to slow down and walk or keep going and I went for the latter. I could rest in the end as I ate my pie, I thought! But man, my HR shot up to a scary 193bpm (averaged at: 182bpm)

Overall a lovely race despite the cloudy/rainy weather and puddle that I stepped into (twice! — One really could not avoid the puddle. At least I had my Vibram Five Fingers on!) I also love the freebies: reusable race bag, Coaster Run tee, pie and finisher’s medal!

Oh, this also marked the first race (since 2009) that my VTB/bestie and I reunited! WHEEEE!

VTBs (re)Unite!

VTBs (re)Unite!

I also got a photo with Snoopy (he was sooooo soft and not-your-typical-stinky-mascot).

We Heart Snoopy

We Heart Snoopy

Did I mention we had pie and a finisher’s medal? 😀

Me @ the Finish

Me @ the Finish

Gratuitous Pie and Medal Shot

Gratuitous Pie and Medal Shot

I’d totally do this again next year! ^_^


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