ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Ugh woke up….

…to an earthquake.

This hasn't happened in a while but I suppose the loud thud was more than enough to wake me from my slumber. Anyway, as of 6:23AM, the news on telly haven't even reported it yet. Thank goodness for the So Cal Earthquake Centre, though as they have more updated info:

Source: http://www.data.scec.org/recenteqs/

A micro earthquake occurred at 6:19:33 AM (PST) on Monday, December 4, 2006.
The magnitude 2.7 event occurred 6 km (4 miles) NNW of Palos Verdes Point, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 12 km ( 8 miles).

Magnitude 2.7 – local magnitude (Ml)
Time Monday, December 4, 2006 at 6:19:33 AM (PST)
Monday, December 4, 2006 at 14:19:33 (UTC)
Distance from Palos Verdes Point, CA – 6 km (4 miles) NNW (337 degrees)

Redondo Beach, CA – 6 km (4 miles) WSW (257 degrees)
Manhattan Beach, CA – 8 km (5 miles) SSW (211 degrees)
Los Angeles Civic Center, CA – 32 km (20 miles) SW (217 degrees)

Coordinates 33 deg. 49.5 min. N (33.826N), 118 deg. 27.1 min. W (118.451W)
Depth 12.4 km (7.7 miles)
Quality Fair
Location Quality Parameters Nst=068, Nph=068, Dmin=12 km, Rmss=0.49 sec, Erho=0.7 km, Erzz=1.6 km, Gp=126 degrees
Event ID# ci10221045
Additional Information map ||
  &nbsp Waveforms

Anyway, here's to the numerous SoCal faultlines!

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