Monthly Archives: October 2005

Another year…

“I grow old … I grow old … I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.” – T.S. Eliot from “The Love Song of [...]

Arm pads 90% complete. Car diagnosed…

…sorta. Well, I can't even unlock my vehicle using my keyless entry remote right now. It doesn't have enough juice to unlock [...]

Car still "in hiatus"; Shin pads 90% complete.

w00t. I made some great progress with my Quidditch costume today. I'm about 90% complete with the shin pads. I just need to stuff it wi [...]

Car woes. Quidditch in 1 week.

My car didn't want to start yesterday. I think it's the alarm system that's messing up my vehicle. I unlocked the car using m [...]

Chicago photos — posted!

Finally, eh? Anyway, I didn't take much photos and most of the time, they're prolly not as clear 'cuz I'm either a: wal [...]

Nothing's holding up.

I don't wanna gross you out, but since Tuesday, anything I eat isn't really “retained”; I run to the loo and have wate [...]

Harry Potter trailer… in HD!

Kudos to Ed for sharing this link! Make sure you download and update to QuickTime 7 first, otherwise, you'll get a QT error. The update [...]

My First Marathon Experience

I was going to type a more detailed pre-Marathon account, but I thought that I'd just jump into the marathon experience. It's quit [...]


Well, I'm back in Los Angeles and yes, I'm alive; I survived and finished the 2005 Chicago Marathon. My finish time was dismal, t [...]

T minus 2 days and counting!

The Chicago Marathon is but a few days away. I've been trying to think positive, so I don't know if I'm excited or anxious, o [...]

Pumpkin beer!

So we celebrated my sis and bro's birthdays tonight (or rather, last night 'cuz it's technically “morning”) at th [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 21 years, 10 months, and 6 days since first blog post.